On special weakly M - projective symmetric manifolds

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA


The notion of a weakly symmetric and weakly projective symmetric Riemannian manifolds has been introduced by Tamassy and Binh and then after studied by so many authors such as De, Shaikh and Jana, Shaikh and Hui, Shaikh, Jana and Eyasmin. Recently, Singh and Khan introduced the notion of Special weakly symmetric Riemannian manifolds and denoted such manifold by (SWS)n. A.U. Khan and Q. Khan found some results On Special Weakly Projective Symmetric Manifolds. And P. Verma and S. Kishor found some results on M-Projective Curvature Tensor on (k, µ)- Contact Space Forms. Motivated from the above, we have studied the nature of Ricci tensor R of type (1,1) in a special weakly M-projective symmetric Riemannian manifold (SWMS)n and also explored some interesting results on (SWMS)n.


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