The objective of this research paper is to comprehensively explore the main scalars within the cotext of the six- dimensional Finsler space. This investigation leverages both h-connection vectors and v- connection vectors. Additionally we have introduced the T-condition and v-curvature tensor S_hijk and express them in an extended form in relation to scalars and tensors in terms of main scalars.
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Dwivedi, P. , Mishra, C. K. and Kumar, S. (2024). On six- dimensional Finsler space. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 5(1), 11-24. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2024.14393.1112
Dwivedi, P. , , Mishra, C. K. , and Kumar, S. . "On six- dimensional Finsler space", Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 5, 1, 2024, 11-24. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2024.14393.1112
Dwivedi, P., Mishra, C. K., Kumar, S. (2024). 'On six- dimensional Finsler space', Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 5(1), pp. 11-24. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2024.14393.1112
P. Dwivedi , C. K. Mishra and S. Kumar, "On six- dimensional Finsler space," Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 5 1 (2024): 11-24, doi: 10.22098/jfga.2024.14393.1112
Dwivedi, P., Mishra, C. K., Kumar, S. On six- dimensional Finsler space. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2024; 5(1): 11-24. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2024.14393.1112