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Barati, F. . "On class of square Finsler metrics", Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 4, 2, 2023, 74-91. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2023.13750.1102
Barati, F. (2023). 'On class of square Finsler metrics', Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 4(2), pp. 74-91. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2023.13750.1102
F. Barati, "On class of square Finsler metrics," Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 4 2 (2023): 74-91, doi: 10.22098/jfga.2023.13750.1102
Barati, F. On class of square Finsler metrics. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2023; 4(2): 74-91. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2023.13750.1102