IFPHP transformations on the tangent bundle with the deformed complete lift metric

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mathematical Science and Statistics, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran. m.zohrehvand@malayeru.ac.ir


Let (Mn,g) be a Riemannian manifold and TM its tangent bundle. In this paper, we determine the infinitesimal fiber-preserving paraholomorphically projective (IFPHP) transformations on TMwith respect to the Levi-Civita connection the deformed complete lift metric G=gC+(fg)V, where f is a nonzero differentiable function on Mn and gC and gV are the complete lift and the vertical lift of g on TM, respectively. Also, the infinitesimal complete lift, horizontal lift and vertical lift paraholomorphically projective transformations on (TM,Gf) are studied.


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