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Habibi, P. (2021). Geodesic vectors of invariant square metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension five. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2(1), 132-141. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2021.1270
Habibi, P. . "Geodesic vectors of invariant square metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension five", Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2, 1, 2021, 132-141. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2021.1270
Habibi, P. (2021). 'Geodesic vectors of invariant square metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension five', Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2(1), pp. 132-141. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2021.1270
P. Habibi, "Geodesic vectors of invariant square metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension five," Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2 1 (2021): 132-141, doi: 10.22098/jfga.2021.1270
Habibi, P. Geodesic vectors of invariant square metrics on nilpotent Lie groups of dimension five. Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications, 2021; 2(1): 132-141. doi: 10.22098/jfga.2021.1270